Craig Carter

Last Revised: Nov 6th, 2024
Professional Biography
Selected Publications/Communications:
Erdal Erol, Carney Jackson, David Horohov, Stephen Locke, Jacqueline Smith, Craig N. Carter: Elevated Serum Amyloid A levels in cases of aborted equine fetuses due to fetal and placental infections. Theriogenology. 2016. September;86(4):971-975.
Jacqueline L. Smith, Eric S. Vanzant, Craig N. Carter, Carney B. Jackson. Discrimination of healthy vs. sick steers by means of continuous remote monitoring of animal activity. Am J Vet Res. 2015. August;76(8):739-744.
Erol E, Jackson C, Locke S, Kelly N, Horohov D, Carter C: Investigation of Serum Amyloid A levels in fetal heart blood in aborted equine fetuses, Proceedings of the 57th Annual AAVLD meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 2012, p 98.
Erol E, Gertz RE, Cassone L, Locke S, Jackson C, Carter C, Genc Oktay, Beall B: Fatalities caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp.Equisimilis in horses, Proceedings of the 57th Annual AAVLD meeting, Kansas City, MO, October 2012, p 42.
Burk S, Sriveny D, Brewster-Barnes T, Bryant UK, Howe DK, Carter, CN, Vanzant, E, Harmon R, Kazacos KR, Rossano MG, In vitro culture of Parascaris equorum larvae and initial investigation of parasite excretory-secretory products, Parasitology Research, 2014, Volume 113, Issue 11 (2014), Page 4217-4224.